Friday, March 9, 2012

DIBELS Data Boards

Does your school DIBEL?  What creative ways do you have to help the students create and meet goals?  We get the kids involved with data folders at each grade level where the students color in their fluency and keep track of their goals.  But we also have a fun way to share grade level data.  Check out the photos below and please share your ideas in the comments.

  • DIBELS data boards--each grade level was given the theme and were able to use their collective creativity to design the board however they liked so that each student per grade level were represented.  The theme of the boards is our corporation theme this year "Endurance," based on Sir Ernest Shackleton's Endurance expedition (if you are not familiar with this, think Titanic only everyone survives).
This is our Kindergarten DIBELS board. 
Students are represented by bulldogs because that is our school mascot. 
Red bulldogs are below grade level in their DIBELS assessments (PSF and NWF). 
Yellow bulldogs are "at risk." 
The green bulldogs are on level. 
Progression is from right to left.

First grade DIBELS board. 
Here the students are represented by sailboats color coded by classroom, they each have their own #.
They start on the left and progress to the right to Benchmark Island.

Second Grade DIBELS data board.
Students are represented by mountain climbers, and numbered.
Left to right progression with flags to show the BOY (beginning of year), MOY, and EOY benchmarks: 52 WPM, 72, WPM, and 87 WPM.
Anything to the right of that is above benchmark in oral reading fluency (ORF).

Third Grade DIBELS data board.
Students are on numbered/colored lifesavers.
Left to right progression with buoys representing the benchmarks.
Those lifeguards at the bottom are the teachers.

Fourth Grade DIBELS data board.
Students got to color their own fish which is labeled with a letter (double letters if more than 26 students per class) to represent themselves.  The first group is held in the fishbowl (0-93) and may progress to the aquarium (94-105) before hitting the open seas (106-118 and above).

Fifth Grade DIBELS data board.
Students are represented by sailors--red, yellow, and green for the corresponding data.
The icebergs are for the red and yellow below level readers.
The first ship is for 104-114 wpm.
The second ship is for 115-123 wpm.
Students hit land when they reach 124+ wpm.

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